

A good communication helps to build a good relation and good relation can bring best fruits. So, we always try to keep good relation with our respected Pastors / Evangelists and our believers through our practical field visitation. We visit several fields and we have outreach programs. Physically we visit our Pastors/Evangelist and believers to see their situation and give fellowship with them. Sometimes it becomes difficult to understand only by hearing their ministry reports. As a minority many times they encounter many difficulties (from different sides, family/relatives, social and sometimes from political or government authority side also) so in that time if we visit them physically then they get mental support to stand firmly. We always try to support them by encouraging and inspiring worldly, mentally and spiritually according to our ability. We do our best to make a chain relation with each other. Our brothers and sisters in Lord get encouraged through this program. This program helps us to see a strong believer in community and it will also be a strong foundation for our Christian society.